Boxing day and back to the allotment for the men while the women were confined to the kitchen. They were there for nearly 5 hours so I think we got the best job.
The duck area is being levelled and a start on putting 8 ft posts, 2 ft into the ground for the compound. Not an easy job for anybody but we did call with a flask of tea and a bit of encouragement to keep going (while we went home to the warm).
A sad turn of events. Maria called for help as a group of lads were on the allotments. Luckily Nick and Matt were there and chased and confronted them. She was understandably upset as there had been a group that got in last week and vandalised here shed and greenhouse and taken loads of her tools and used them to break into the brick sheds and caused a lot of damage. This also explains how the small greenhouse had been torn to shreds. Although this had happened last week she thought that they had come back for more but this was a different, younger group. They had got in via the railway line but climbed over the gate to get out so no way of keeping them out. They had the cheek to ask Matt for a key to let them out!!!