As it’s been so long since I sent news from the big smoke I thought I would take this opportunity to update you on our garden. We have now dug three beds down the left hand side of the garden. The one nearest the house is onions, garlic, salad, beetroot, radishes and spring onions. The middle bed is mainly tomatoes, but also celery (because mummy gave us sooooo much, thanks for that), a globe artichoke, brussel sprouts and a snowman pumpkin. The far bed is mainly beans (broad, cannelino, borlotti, climbing French and kidney) plus more celery and another pumpkin.
In addition to this in pots we’ve got another 20 or so tomato plants, about 15 cucumber plants (although I keep finding more that I had forgotten about!), some peas (which look very pathetic), 6 butternut squash plants (grown from seeds from a squash from the supermarket), some chard, lots of herbs and about 20 peppers/chillis (they got mixed up so I don’t know which is which), an aubergine and 3 window boxes full of salad. We’ve also got our fruit – 3 blueberry plants (which we planted last year), 2 raspberries, 2 strawberries and a blackcurrant.
I can’t quite believe we’ve got so much and we are constantly fighting with our menagerie of pests:
• Slugs
• Aphids
• Black fly
• Moths (giant ones, they can definitely smell my fear)
• Rosemary leaf beetles (apparently new to the UK but thriving in Wimbledon)
• Wood pigeons
• Cats
• Foxes (Geraldine, who lives at the end of our garden, and her cub)
You wouldn’t believe we’re in London! Added to all of this is the fact that we are going on holiday for two weeks so we are hedging our bets and asking 2 separate friends to water for us in the hope that they will remember at least once each. I hope it all lasts!
We haven't got any up to date photos but this is our bean patch, before the beans started growing like crazy...