We were devastated to find that the gate on 51 had not coped with the wind over the last couple of days and had been blowing open at night leaving a perfect opportunity for the rabbits to get in and decimate our remaining crops. They must have thought it was Christmas and Easter all rolled into one. The stems on the purple sprouting broccoli was stripped, the sprouts had been eaten off the stems as far as a rabbit can reach and the celery was vertually non existant.

They even had a go at the swede. The only thing they hadn't touched were the walking stick cabbages.

I managed to salvage some leeks but they had had the tops nibbled.

At least we had plenty of tea to lift our spirits but I forgot to take cups so we had to improvise with the bottom of lemonade bottles. The hot tea softened them so tghe final shape was not how it started. You can also see from this picture why was are called the owl people.
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