It was not easy to get them all to stand still so I have given them individual resumes as well.
I have to admit to having a soft spot for Emily. She is so pretty since her moult and is one of the smaller ducks. She has created the gang of three with the twins and they are the most mischievous.
The twins (Pixie and Dixie)
Now can you see why I can't tell them apart. They are so adorable and have kept their youthful looks. They are typical Chocolate's with perfect markings. Along with Emily, they are always the last in bed at night and play games with us by running around the house rather than going up the ramp to bed. They are also the three that spend the most time swimming. When we change the water in the pond it sends them crazy and there is loads of jumping in and out and wing flapping, I think the clean cold water must tickle their feathers so there is loads of ducking under and flapping. Wherever one is the other will always be close by.
Ebony is the matriarch of the group and is much more sedate and sensible than the others. When we got her in April she was black but since her moult has become
Ebony and Ivory with lots of white. We assume that every year will see a bit more white so watch this space.
Apple and Eve
Apple and Eve and so names as they are Appleyards. They are large ducks like Ebony and look like white ducks from the front but have beautiful markings on their back. Apple has a slightly twisted tail so we can only tell them apart from the back. As well as the distinctive markings, the colouring on their wings is beautiful and ranges from emerald green to peacock blue.
Florence is the most inquisitive of the ducks. She is always the first to come running out when we let them into the allotment for a forage. She will be looking around at anything new and I really thing she will be the one that we will be able to tame. Saying that, it is not going to be an easy job as they are all so scatty. She has a distinctive white line around her neck and an unusual pink beak.
Fennell, and Florence, are by far the largest ducks. I think Fennell thinks that she is the boss but not sure if the others agree. They are both fawns but she has much more white and mottling that Florence. The strangest thing happened when she moulted, she grew a tiny pom pom on the top of her head and now wears it with pride.
While we were trying to photograph them on film today, Molly, the allotment cat decided to join us. The ducks took no notice of her whatsoever and just looked down their beaks at her. She finally realised that they weren't going to play and decided instead that my used pepermint teabag was catnip and rolled in it until she fell off the table.
1 comment:
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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