Last weekend Ted came over and told us that Malcolm was giving up his allotment as he was moving away and had said that we could have the blue water bins that he had on his allotment. I trotted along behind him to Malcolm's plot to find that there was also al area at the back where he had stored various pots, pieces of wook etc, to find that anying in that area he was leaving behind so we could help ourselves. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I ran back to tell Nick the good news. As always the sceptic he expected a load of rubbish but it was like finding hidden treasure. As well as a load of blue bins (valuable in times of hot weather when you don't want to walk far with a watering can) there was a hidden hoard of wood and metal strips.
This was the find of the year so far. After standing them to dry we stored them in the roof of the shed until we can plan projects for them. They should be ideal for raised beds or new compost bins (you can never have enough compost bin)
Picture to follow
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