We hadn't completely got rid of the snow from before Christmas when more fell. The BBC seem to have moved into Basingstoke as we are one of the hardest hit areas again. This was the view from my sewing room window on Tuesday evening before the worst of it fell and before anyone walked or drove on it.

I am so please that I filled all the bird feeders last week as it wasn't easy to get out to the shed.
Even more pleasing is that we have the ducks at home as the only way we could have got to the allotment was on foot and as the snow is about 18" deep and it is about 4 miles, Nick would have been going it alone.

We were not the first so the snow was reasonably compacted on the path. I am not sure if it was because I was wearing a wardrobe worth of clothes or just that there was a fault with the street light but I felt that we should wait quietly to see if Mr Tumnus appeared! No sign of lions thought.
Tesco was open with a skeleton staff but no other shops other than Costa Coffee so we felt obliged to stop and have a cup of hot chocolate. It was lovely. We got a seat in the window and watched slipping and sliding going on outside.

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