18 March 2009

Full house

Today was a full 10 eggs so it really must be Spring

This was also confirmed by the fact that I got home late and we sat, in the dark, drinking tea, with a herd of ducks who wouldn't go to bed, foraging around us. I really did think that life is great and a good way to escape from the rat race (no sign of them either since the rat catcher has been putting boxes down).

Unfortunately, Emily is her own duck, as opposed to the others who share a brain cell, and also camouflaged when it gets dark. We eventually got all the other ducks to bed only to turn round and find her standing on the path looking at us.

17 March 2009

How many eggs?

How many eggs in the bedroom

How many eggs in the living room


Living room

Total - a dozen eggs to anybody who got it right from the first two pictures.

13 March 2009

Red nose day 2009

All things red today. Except that is for my red sport relief top which has been adopted by Star as his bed so it is now red on the front and white on the back as it is the start of the moulting season.

Talking of seasons, it is the laying season, so we starting with going up to three eggs last weekend to 6 on Wednesday and Thursday and eight today. Anybody who would like some duck eggs please e-mail ird@sky.com and I will deliver. In the spirit of the day, you could make a small donation to Comic Relief in exchange.

Nick did a fantastic job rattling his bucket at work today and raised over £100.

Still on the red theme, the first pulling of rhubarb last Sunday was a treat and a reminder to get the cookery books out.

I worked hard at the weekend to get the second greenhouse up to the standard it should be in March and I must admit it was looking a bit sad after a neglected for months. It looks lovely now and thanks to the coffee sticks I will actually know what the seedlings are when the appear.

Just a few days later, I notice today that I have some leeks, red cabbage and peas - at least that's what the sticks say.

4 March 2009

It must be spring

The weather may be cold but the ducks think it is spring - we had the first blue egg of the year this morning and that must be a sign that spring is here.