5 December 2010

Grey or Red

We had a couple of visitors yesterday who decided that they liked the taste of hawthorne berries. There were two cheeky squirells who spent the afternoon filling themsleves up. I was really surprised by their colouring as they were both grey with red heads and backs. They looked like youngsters to me so I am surprised that we haven't had more damage to the bird feeders as a family of squirrels would soon strip their way throught a feeder.

Maybe they keep their distance from the ducks.

2 December 2010

Back to the snow

For the second time this year we have snow. This time we are well off compared to many areas of the country as we only have about 6 inches.

I have been distracted from working all day but a cheeky blackbird who found the apples tht we had left hanging on the tree.

He has munched his way through most of the apply by returning every few minutes. He did take a break in the middle of the day but was back to fill up before sun down.

1 December 2010

So sweet

One bonus from the allotment is some carrots that I sewed in July. Waiting this late means that they don't get carrot fly but they don't get time to get very big. They are soooooo sweet though.

This is just a small part of the row so lots more where these came from.