12 March 2006

A big thank you to all our sponsors

We have at last had a chance to clear out the shed at home by making good use of some of the toilet rolls and all of the plastic bottles.

The toilet rolls are sitting in their own pretty pink cat litter tray on the staging in the greenhouse. Nothing in them at present, but the soil is warming ready for broad bean seeds to be planted next weekend. As the rolls are bio-degradable they will be planted out as well in April.

The plastic bottles are serving a similar purpose. They are warming the soil ready for onion sets and shallotts. They serve a dual purpose; acting as mini cloches and also as bird deterrants. The birds see the top of the bulbs (or piglets as we like to call them) and pull them out. Once the onions are established the bottles will be used as waterers for the tomatoes.

Nothing wasted here, but many more needed so keep on saving.

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