15 April 2006

By Royal appointment

As the front page of The Times today stated that the Queen is moving from Buckingham Palace to make Windsor Castle her main residence, so the greenhouse moved from Windsor to Basingstoke. Or at least Dorney, which is half way between Maidenhead and Windsor. Not sure how such a little car managed to transport it. This is trip three which is the frame.

The glass having been one and two yesterday and four being for the base. This is the base and what a bonus that was as you can see. It will be fantastic when it is in place and level, the greenhouse will stand on the top and be bolted down. There are 13 pieces in total, each weighing 30 pounds. That means 390 pounds of concrete.

By strange coincidence, after unloading we went for our usual sunset walk around the allotments to find Jerry had also aquired a greenhouse which he was putting up. As so much of his glass was broken he had found something that he was going to use to fill in the bottom half of the walls. We both took a step backwards as he produced various sized sheets of asbestos some of which he had cut himself. Well, I suppose if you have lived to 394 as Jerry seems to be, then it is not going to do you much harm.

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