13 May 2006

Yes we will have tomatoes

Yesterday was Katy's birthday and she had a lovely day out and we had a lovely evening and a BBQ. Back to the allotment today with lots of excitment.

There are flowers on the tomatoes and the peppers in the greenhouse are growing like mad. We have five cantelope melon seeds that have germinated as well as four giant pumpkins, five of each yellow and green courgettes.

Carrots are appearing as well as turnips and parsnips. Onions are growing like mad but still no sign of chard. The maincrop potatoes are finally peeping above the ground. In the bean bed the broad beans and peas are doing well and I think it may now be safe to put out the runner beans which are hugh in the little greenhouse. The french beans have been nibbled by something so time for them to face the big outside world as well.

The first lot of staging has gone into the greenhouse. It was touch and go whether it would fit throught the door but it made it by a whisker and looks great and is as high as a kitchen worktop so no back breaking working on the ground any more.

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