9 June 2006

I was set a challenge

We had a lovely day out today at the Garden Show 2006 at Stansted House. This was to celebrate Nick's mum's 80th birthday. It was scorching hot and we got there at about 1.30 to a full car park but only a short queue to get in. It was fantastic, there were stalls selling plants, all sorts of gardening accessories, arts, crafts, food and the usual tea tent. To celebrate the event I had to publish this lovely photograph of mother and son.

Anyway, back to that challenge. Last night we were discussing the virtues of Pennyroyal as a plant that keeps away ants. Not one that I knew much about and certainly don't own an example to be able to give it a try. Outside the food tasting tent (where we all had a frozen yoghurt) was a stall selling herbs. In fact there were herbs that I hadn't even heard of. Would you believe it but there, in between the mints and the garlic, was Pennyroyal. I couldn't resist, so here is my purchase from the day. In the back row, from the left we have Pennyroyal, oregano and bronze fennel. In the front row chocolate mint (it smells just like an after eight) and a lemon geranium. So I did meet the challenge by acquiring one within 24 hours.

The Pennyroyal will easily split into three plants so I will distribute among my readers and we will conduct trials as to its powers as an ant deterrent. Surprisingly, it smells quite strongly or peppermint, so if it doesn't work maybe a packet of extra strong mints placed strategically around the patio will be the next trial.

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