18 June 2006

What a difference a week makes

I couldn't believe how much everything had grown in just a week.

Remember those little tomato plants that went into the greenhouse. More like triffids now. Loads of flowers and quite a few tomatoes have set. I sowed some seeds of basil and corriander which I planted around the base of the tomatoes and they are not totally overgrown.

The cabbages and sprouts in their tent are hugh. We have made a start on building the brassica cage. It will cover all four beds at the top of 51, will be 6 ft high at the front and 5ft at the back. This does pose a bit of a proble, as we might have to make a few holes in the roof for the walking stick cabbages to poke through.

The pidgeons have not found their way into the tent yet but they will soon so we can't delay any longer.

I keep forgetting to tell you about the red hot pokers. At the front on 51 there are a few flowers amongst the comfry plants. We have started clearing the comfrey to make space for a cottage garden to set of our entrance nicely (I will try to remember to take some photographs of one of the plots which is half veg and half flowers, it is magnificent). The greatest feature at the moment is a hugh clump of red hot pokers. Unfortunately they are starting to go over a bit but still look magnificent.

The gooseberries on 53 were showing signs of blight but it seems that only one branch is infected so these have been removed and there is a promising crop. This time next week they should be ready for harvesting so get your bids in early.

I must end today on a different note and a sign of how quickly nature takes over. At the other side of the grass area in front of the composting head there is a plot owned by a chap who was taken ill at the end of last year. He has worked a small amount but the other end, where he has fruit trees has been taken over by self seeded poppies. It looks wonderful and just shows what the wind and birds can do.

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