18 July 2006

The burning of 53

Now that the trauma of the judging has passed we have decided to tackle No 53 ready for planning and tree planting in the Autumn as this is going to be fruit bushes and trees. Nick has worked like mad to cut all the grass down by sickle and raked it into three neat piles the first of which became bonfire number 1 on Sunday. Unfortunately, the slightest breeze takes the smoke where it shouldn't go and as there were some people working on their plots in the direction of the smoke I would think we were fairly unpopular.

The rest waited until last night with more cut and raked to make three small hay stacks. The air was so still that the smoke just hung in the air. It wouldn't really have mattered much as it was 10p.m. and nobody else was daft enough to still be at the allotment. We finished about 10.30 and have three lovely piles of ash which is great for the soil and especially good for fruit growing.

We haven't quite finished for a daylight photo of it in its glory will follow later in the week.

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