25 July 2006

Prizewinning gardeners and cooks

1st for Cheese straws
No real competition here with the double twist they certainly looked the best. All the others were straight and one was suspiciously orange. Aparently when the judge bit into those she was nearly sick as they had used so much paprika to make them look better without much consideration for the taste. We won on look and taste.

2nd for beetroot
We had to pull a lot to get some that were of even size and shape but it was worth it. We also had very few rings and as this is a sign of woodiness that made them a winner.

2nd for peppers
This category was two of any other vegatable not specified in individual categories. The winner was two very large aubergines that were like twins. The trick is to find two alike to prove that it was not just a fluke with one.

2nd for cheese scones
This was a bit of a surprise as they didn't rise as well as I would have liked but much better than all the others except the winner.

3rd for individual rose stem
This was the biggest shock of the day as there were a lot of entries. We nearly didn't enter as the rain the day before had battered the roses quite heavily. Luckily some other people had suffered more that we did.

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