28 August 2006

Surprise visitors

Rebecca and Matt came to visit for the weekend and they weren't going to get away without working. We met at the allotment and the first job was blackberry picking. Matt and Nick ate more than went into the box but there were enough to fill 4 bags to take home.

Back to the allotment and scrumping for plums. We kept a giant flowerpot full for ourselves and they went home with two carrier bags full.

We then let them loose on the allotment and got Matt started on digging potatoes. These are the first of the season and as Desiree's go - not bad at all. We can leave them in the ground right through to first frosts so may leave these for bakers and boilers as we still have some salad potatoes in bins. A good pulling of beetroot and onions, picking of beans and tomatoes and digging of carrots went on as well as the compulsory clearing of courgettes.

They seem to be quite happy with their crop but wait til they get home and have to prepare it all!

I have decided that it is time to invite guest contributors to the blog so they will be giving a full report of their day at the allotment in due course.

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