31 July 2007

I can keep my secret no longer

I must say thank you to my reader who pointed out that someone with degree level maths cannot count. Not only did I get the number of beans wrong, I said that we had three of each whereas we had five 1sts, five 2nds and five 3rds. The blog has been duly corrected.

Anyway, the purpose of this entry is that I can no longer keep the secret of my success with my award winning chocolate chip cookies. Although I didn't realise it at the time, it is simple.

The recipe called for:

6oz soft margarine
8oz caster sugar
2 egggs
12 ox self raising flour
4 oz plain chocolate chips

Now, without actually spelling it out, I would think everybody else used chicken eggs. I will leave you to work out the rest but the cup should really go to Ebony!!!

You are sworn to secrecy

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