28 October 2009

The first parsnip of the year

I know I shouldn't but I couldn't resist digging a parsnip at the weekend. They should stay in the ground until they have had a few good frosts but this one was peeping above the surfact of the ground. The problem is that until you dig you have no idea what is below the ground. I usually get something that is lots of roots and forks and impossible to scrub but this is a beauty. It is about 14" long and almost straight.

Put with some carrots, tomatillo, onions, a couple of turnips, a few Jerusalem Artichokes, the last of the cherry tomatoes and some beans that have been soaked overnight and I can see a lovely vegetable stew. I added a jar of passata that I made earlier in the year which had tomatoes, olive oil and plenty of basil. Yummmmmmm!

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