4 October 2009

The new furniture

For some time we have been looking for a nice chair to put in the office so that it will double as the library that it has become. At the auction on Friday we spotted just the thing in the form of a green leather two seater chesterfield. Nick got carried away with putting his hand in the air but it was ours for a bargain price - well below what we had decided on as our maximum.

They delivered it for us yesterday and it fits perfectly. All we have to do now is clear everything around it that has ended up in that room from clearing the kitchen for the floor and the lounge for the fire.

One day we will be sorted but in the meantime we can sit comfortably.

We also bid on a chair which came up before the chesterfield as won that at an even greater bargain. Unfortunately we now have two huge pieces of furniture that we hadn't planned on.

The chair is currently in the hall in place of the rocking chair and I must admit it looks lovely there. Angel loves it too and we have found he sitting in it on a couple of occasions.

The intention was for it to go in the lounge next to the fire as I want to get rid of one of the sofas so we have one sofa and three chairs. After all, it is not very often that we need to seat eight people in the room.

I think we need to live with all the changes for a while before we decide. We also need to decorate the fireplace wall one the plaster has dried out.

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