18 November 2009

The ducks new home

This is the state of the wire on the front of the duck compound at the allotment. There is an equally large hole in the back where they must have decided to go out via Frank's allotment.

It is going to need a visit from Matt and a days work to get it usable again. The decision may be to make this into another fruit cage as we would like more current bushes. We will see how we feel in the Spring.

We have an area of the garden that doesn't get much sun so it is used for storage as well as the raised bed that is becoming my herb bed. We did have a small greenhouse in the corner but this was before we had two at the allotment so it became derelict. That went and this was destined to be our log store corner but it is the ideal spot for the duck house.

Although it didn't get much sun, we grew lovely tomatoes there. They were much later than the others and I was still picking them last week. We still have a dahlia in flower even through the ones at the allotment have been blackened by frost so it should be a nice warm sheltered spot for the ducks

The compost bin was Nick's cunning idea to keep logs dry. We have three spare plastic ones since we built the bank of wooden bins at the allotment so it was good to put it to some use. This will be moved to the otherside of the garden next to the green shed.

It was a good job that Nick made the trailer as we wouldn't have got the house in the back of the car. We managed to stand it in the trainer and get it into the garden via the gate into the lane. It fits perfectly with room to get round to clean it out and collect eggs.

We also brought home the hippo pond which is a bit lop sided at the moment but will do until we can dig out the raised bed and make them a bigger pond.

The ducks are very confused by what is going on and where they are so immediately went into the house for safety. They must have been a bit confused as to where their bedroom has gone as we had to take the two huts apart and only bring half of it. Now that we have only 8 there is plenty of room for them in this half.

I don't want to hear anybody say that white ducks are cowards. They were the first to come out and explore leaving the 4 non white ducks inside.

Angel and I have been keeping an eye on them throughout the day but they haven't strayed much and Angel can't understand what they are expecially as some are the same colour as her but are tall and thin and have funny noses.

As the weather was bad yesterday she spent most of the day sitting by the French doors watching them wondering why they didn't come in and get the warmth of the woodburning stove. Strange creatures!

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