16 December 2009

The first real snow of Winter

Winter has come to Old Basing. I had a late start this morning and got up to a light snowfall. Sadly it has now stopped but looks as though more will be falling. We do have a light covering and I have just been out to smash the ice on the ducks pond. It must be very cold as Nick broke the ice this morning after it being -3 overnight.

You can see where the ducks have been walking and they haven't yet ventured up onto the herb bed.

We had another load of logs delivered last week. Half are still on the drive but I have stacked up under the porch by the front door and we started making a stack by the back door. It looks very Christmassy with snow on them so maybe I will have to get some fairy lights to drape over the stack when it is finished.

Talking about logs. The new pile was wet where it had been rained on in the truck so we brought some in to dry off by the fire. I had, what I thought was, a bright idea of putting them on top of the stove to dry out quicker. I underestimated how hot the stove gets and it actually started burning the wood.

I am definately not going to try that one again and definately not leave my slippers on the top to warm.

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