7 July 2010

A weekend away

This weekend we went to a Golden Wedding Anniversary party in Streatly, staying at the Swan hotel. In the afternoon we had a boat trip from Streatly to Wallingford. It was a great chance to catch up with all Nick's family but it was also a chance for some great bird watching.

It is a beautiful stretch of watch with some lovely islands, houses and boat houses to see on the way. It is obviously good feeding ground asthere were large flocks of Canada Geese grazing in the fields as well as heron standing in prominant places along the banks. They were loving the sunshine and seemed oblivious to the attention from the passing boats.

The most amazing site was the Red Kite that seems to have spotted the canapes and was circling around the boat. I really was glad that we had a good zoom on the camera and that he was such a poser.

It was also a photofest for duck and swan lovers. Our balcony was on the river side and it was just like being at home, as we were woken up to ducks quacking. These two had found a lovely shallow spot under the bridge to start the day.

I just kept thinking how much Emily would have loved a swim inthe river.

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