29 March 2006

Mothering Saturday

I have a theory that Mothering Sunday moves forward a day per generation i.e. Mothering Sunday is for your mother so when you become a mother it becomes Saturday so, if there is a Great Great Grandmother in the family you could find yourself celebrating Mothering Thursday.

The reason for my rantings is that last weekend was the event itself, and the postman brought me a wonderful homemade card which made me feel guilty for my bad thoughts about the rabbits and then later in the day the start of the tropical fruit garden in the form of a Kiwi and a Fig - it truely was a lovely Mothering Saturday.

One thing I had not alticipated with the allotment is that when you have a greenhouse you have to go and water even when it is raining. This meant that we found outselves standing in the rain chatting to our neighbour. We call him Frank (not sure what anybody else calls him, but then we did call Ted Len for a long time before somebody put us right). Anyway, he told us that he is thinking of giving up half his plot as it has become too much (it is a jungle so we thought he had given up years ago). At this our ears pricked up at the thought of an annex. The chance to have more fruit growing space was sooooo exciting that we are going to apply to take over and No 53 will become the orchard, so watch this space.

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