31 March 2006

What's in a name

After our euphoria of the clocks changing so that we got an extra hour in the evening, we quickly realised that we had to get up at what had been 4am so by 7 o.clock were ready for bed. We did get a couple of evenings digging though and tonight it is all done. After a refreshing cup of tea we did a tour of the site and bumped into Gordon. After shaking hands and nodding politely, we admired his bean poles which are constructed to make two passageways between three rows of beans and discovered that it was constructed by Gerry who moved away but has now moved back and Gordon took over his plot. Well, would you believe it, we actually know Gerry, but we know him as No 13. We have spent many hours scavaging with him and listening to his words of wisdom. We then bumped into Doug, who greeted us with 'is it Nick or Dick' after putting him straight he gave us some tips on manure and growing melons.

Never a dull moment on the allotment.

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