11 August 2006

Grounds for your Garden

Finally, after months of searching, I have found a Starbucks that does Grounds for your Garden. It was purely by chance that I asked as I was at the library in Canary Wharf,which has a Starbucks in it,and they just happened to have a pack prepared. They are now going to keep them for me to collect every Monday.

What is it I hear you thinking. All the used coffee grounds are saved in foil bags and you can ask for them absolutely free. All you a do is use them as a mulch or add to the compost heap. Quote from the bag says: 'Coffee grounds are a nutritional additive for your soil. During the brewing process most of the acidity is removed, leaving used grounds with an overage ph of 6.9 and a corbon-nitrogen ration of 20-1.'

I haven't got a clue what that means but the roses love them and the compost bin smells wonderful.

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