18 October 2006

Now that autumn is here a change of diet is required

As the courgettes seem to have ceased production we have to look at what preparation we made the the autumn harvest. Although the brassicas are doing well it is going to be a while before any broccoli, sprouts and cabbages are ready but we did get a shock to find a large swede hidden under the leaves of the broccoli. The leeks are doing well so we thought we would give one of them a try as well.

I know I have said it before but there is nothing like the taste of home grown veg. The sweed was much paler than expected but the flavour much stronger, and the leek was heavenly. They were so tasty that a before and after picture is provided.

We had (from left to right) courgettes cooked in olive oil with garlic, chard stalks cooked the same way, swede (mashed) chard leaves (lightly boiled), french beans, leeks and roasted potatoes. All home grown and all delicious. So was the roast beef, gravy and horseradish - delicious that is, but not home grown.

I must at this stage also make an apology for being so rude about chard. We made the mistake of thinking the bigger the better, but our friend Baptista put us right. We were letting the leaves get too big which made them bitter, so we tried some of the new young leaves and it is delicious. I cooked the stalks with oil and garlic and the leaves separately as greens and both are great. So, sorry chard - you are both pretty and tasty.

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