18 October 2006

Water, water everywhere

As mentioned, I have planted some cabbages at Old Basing. These are in the small bed next to the shed, where I planted 100 onions earlier in the week. Spacing them 12 inches apart meant that 60 went in at OB, so with the 60 that I planted at CW, allowing for a 50% success rate, we are going to be looking for plenty of new cabbage recipes in the spring.

Instead of troughs, there are stand pipes at OB and as we haven't got our equipment up to date all I could find was a coil of hose left in the shed by the previous occupants. There were a few kinks which I struggled to iron out, a few holes which squirted water at various places along the path, and no nozzle to control the water. It did get the cabbages watered in but I am much happier with a watering can.

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