24 October 2006

Winter veg

It is wonderful to realise that your diet should change with the seasons i.e. what is ready for harvesting. Today is the turn of the parsnips), although Ted told me off as they like to have a frost on them to sweeten them up, but I was weeding and got curious to what was going on under the ground. The first two were standard Tesco size but then a whopper came up. It is much easier harvesting that when we did the carrots, as the ground is nice and soft (although muddy) it is possible to get a parsnip out without breking it in half.

So that I could make a casserole I also pulled a leek, a couple of small swede and some celery. Now that mixture really did make the car smell!

I also started a new tub of comfrey tea and also a tub of nettle tea, which is (according to Bob Flowerdew) excellent for getting rid of caterpillas, so a good investment for the spring.

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