10 November 2006

A comfort to us all

I know I keep on about how good 'Grow Your Own' magazine is but this month it has excelled itself. An article entitled ‘Weed between the lines’ extols the virtues of the weeds that we try to eradicate from our gardens and allotments and the uses to which they can be put. After reading about dandelions and their use for making tea, soup and insect repellent, I moved on to a subheading ‘Beauty therapy’. I know it sound dull but I must quote you directly – ‘Comfrey is a well-known ally for organic growers. It makes an excellent compost activator, plant food and mulch and contains nearly three times as much potassium (which stimulates fruiting) as farmyard manure. Bud did you know it was known for centuries ad knit-bone due to its alleged ability to fix bone fractures? Comfrey has powerful healing and soothing properties which makes it a perfect plant to pick for the bathroom. It contains allantoin, which binds tissues and stimulates cell growth, and is an ingredient in many moisturizers. Herbalist still use comfrey for eczema and psoriasis and it’s great for calming acne outbreaks.’

Well would you believe it – and I thought is was really obnoxious smelling stuff that tomatoes loved!

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