8 November 2006

The first frost

Sunday on the allotment was a sorry sight as we had experienced our first frost since having crops. The courgette plants have produced their last, but they will provide a lot of composting. The beans are very limp and pathetic and the marigolds are black and floppy.

I took the opportunity to clear out the greenhouse and picked the last of the peppers as they will not get any bigger. We now have the pepper glut, I have filled a couple of bags of prepared mixed peppers for the freezer and hung up a couple of strings to ripen to give red peppers as they are all still at the green stage. They seem to turn overnight, although we are having to shiver in the kitchen as I have turned the radiator off so as not to spoil the onions and garlic.

We had a surprise visitor in the front garden at home last week. We usually only see him at night but he came out in full daylight when we got home. I am not sure if it is the same hedgehog that we have had for the last three years, or a new one each year, but there has been one living in the bushes under the office window. We don't feed him as I am sure he has a good supply of slugs and snails.

A final thing I must share with you, and a tradition with a promotion, is my new shoes. I have a passion for Camper shoes particularly their 'twins' range. As you will see they are not identical twins.

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