7 April 2007

Good Friday at the allotment

More standing on ladders with a large hammer in your hand going on at the allotment on Good Friday. What a lovely day it was too.

The duck compound is built with the exception of the gate which will be the project for the week in anticipation of Salisbury Poultry Auction on 14 April. A second layer of wire has been added making a six foot fence and we will put fine mesh netting over the top with a tarpaulin in the autumn and winter.

Rebecca was busy with the weatherproofing of the house. There was a bit of concern at one time, that the house wouldn't fit in the compound as the boys have added central posts, but sleep easy, it fits!

The central posts are so that we can divide the compound in two as ducks have a habit of making a wet muddy mess, we will have one side occupied and one side resting. We have a bag of grass seed ready so that each resting side can be resown with lush tasty grass.

Always one to show an interest in the goings on of his star allotmenteers (we like to think we are anyway), Ted popped in to visit, so for those of you who haven't met him, here is Ted - site foreman and allotmenteer extrordinaire. He has been working his plot for over 30 years and what Ted doesn't know, Bob Flowerdew does. He is our gague of what to do when and the time has come to start carrying your parsnip seeds with you just in case if is time to sow. Not today though so they are still in the pocket. Parsnips are notoriously bad to germinate and any sign that the soil is too cold, too warm, too damp or too dry, there will always be another day.

We did do some actual gardening and the first of the peas went in supported by the hazel sticks that I cut from the hedge. The broad beans that Bex planted in February were ready to go out and a lot more than we expected so should get a good crop.

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