9 December 2009

Update from the sewing room

I have joined the Trigeminal Neuralgia Assn UK and the pack that they sent had some great information to help understand the condition and what can be done to help. One of the key I picked up on is destraction therapy which is where the sewing machine comes in. Although it doesn't lessen the pain it is a good way of pushing it to the back of my mind and not focusing on it whilst not having to use my brain. As long as I have everything laid out ready, I can lose myself, not have to think and not particularly concentrate (other than remembering to turn the iron off) so here is the latest from today as I had a bad night last night and trouble concentrating on work this morning.

I have had a pile of strips of fabric set aside for a while as I wasn't sure what to do with them. They are lovely fabrics in their own right but there wasn't enough of each to make something so I found a few thin strips of contrasting fabric and sewed them together. It still needed something so I added the peacock blue silk to break up the rows and rows which looked a bit boring.

The whole thing took me about three hours in total. I reckon on another hour to add the backing and binding and it should be lovely.

I have another one that I finished yesterday but can't show you that as it is for someone for Christmas and they might be watching.

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