10 April 2010

Late harvest

Parsnips and leeks are winter crops which means that you harvest them after the first frost and before spring when they start growing again.

That is the theory anyway. It didn't quite go according to plan this year so we still had quite a crop in the ground.

While Hick was doing some wonderful digging to give me some seed beds, I dug up all that was still in the ground so we brought home a cat litter tray full of leeks and one full of parsnips.

The leeks are rather tiny as they were planted so late they didn't have much time to develop but should make a couple of leek quiche and some leek and potatoe soup.

The same does not apply to the parsnips.

I had trouble digging them out - partly due to the fact that i was using a fork with a prong missing and partly due to their size.

This one snapped off at the end but was still too long for the cat litter tray. I didn't have the traditional banana or 20p to use to show scale so I used a teabag.

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